Aarhus, Denmark

The team at Cellugy are tackling plastic textile pollution through unusual means. They are producing nanocellulose through sugar fermentation. By adapting the carbon source, bacteria strain or fermentation conditions as needed, they can create a material, EcoFLEXY, that can be used as a strengthener or barrier coating for substrates such as textiles. Unlike the plastics currently used, EcoFLEXY is biodegradable and recyclable while still remaining strong and providing a water barrier. The production process also avoids the use of solvents and at lab scale involves 80% less carbon-dioxide emissions compared to their plastic alternatives.

Cellulgy logo

The Cellugy Team:

Isabel Alvarez-Martos, CEO & co-founder

Deby Fapyane, CSO & co-founder

Parun Sihombing, CFO/COO & co-founder

Clara Capparelli, Communications Coordinator

Alix Perzon, Material Scientist


Kintra Fibers

