Ways to Partner

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Funding Partners

Financially support the Challenge by increasing the prize pool; providing resources for design, testing, adoption, and scaling of innovations; and/or sponsoring a launch or awards event.

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Amplification Partners

Leverage your network of contacts and digital, social, and/or print media to promote the Challenge to a global audience and help recruit a large, diverse pool of high-quality applicants.


Evaluation Partners

Participate in the review process and/or recommend a set of reviewers with relevant technical, business, and policy expertise to help evaluate and select high-quality applicants.


Scaling Partners

Play a key role in advancing the innovations. Make additional commitments to help implement and scale innovations.


Join the Challenge Coalition

Email us at or submit the form to learn more about partnering with us on the Microfiber Innovation Challenge.


Why partner?

As a partner on our Microfiber Innovation Challenge you will:

  • Play a key role in advancing innovations and creating an ecosystem of solutions to halt microfiber pollution

  • Have the first look at the pipeline of innovations and preferential access to innovators

  • Have the opportunity to engage with our coalition of partners and innovators throughout the Challenge

  • Be recognized in marketing, PR, events, and general communications for the Challenge, with the opportunity to engage in Challenge events